March 2004
P h o n e : ( 5 8 5 ) 4 2 6 - 0 9 9 0
w w w . j e s c o a m e r i c a . c o m
F a x : ( 5 8 5 ) 4 2 6 - 4 0 2 5
PP 6.5
SD 6.5
contact), the following alarm states can be
• “Tank Empty” if a simple level switch is con-
nected. Pump stops.
• “Tank Almost Empty” if a level switch w/alarm
signaling is connected. In this case, “Tank
Empty” can not be indicated. Pump continues
• Alarm activates when the analog signal is less
than 4 mA. (e.g. cable breakage).
1. Power supply cable, 115 VAC, 5.5 feet, with
grounded plug.
2. Cable for warning alarm relay, 4 feet, optional.
3. 3.5 mm jack socket for level probe connection;
can be used by 2-pin plug for simple low level
indication or by 3-pin plug for low level indica-
tion with alarm signal.
4a. Cable or connector socket for pulse input.
4b. Cable or connector socket for pulse and analog
signal input.
5. Stroke length knob for metering capacity.
6. Stroke length knob locking screw.
7. Speed frequency adjustment with changeover
switch for internal/ external control.
8. LCD display. (DX only)
9a. Red LED
• Blinks slowly in the case of alarm signaling.
• Lights permanently if the tank is empty. Pump
is then stopped automatically.
9b. Red LED on DX model
• Like 9a, plus fast blinking if, in the case of
4...20 mA analog signal control, the input signal
is less than 4 mA (e.g. due to a cable break-
• Blinks slowly if selector switch (12) is set to
“0” (pump is not metering).
10. Green LED
• Lights when power supply voltage is applied
and disrupted for a short time during the
metering stroke. Blinks during the metering
11. Calibration table (on side of pump housing).
12. Selector switch for external control
• Pulse 1:1
• Pulse multiplication or division by factors of
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64
• Current input 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA
• Pump stop “0”
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