background image

7. Installation of the door lining onto car door

7.1. Fit the door lining in contrary order (described on page 3).


Cut out the foamed foil like a U (behind the woofers) in order to

         improve the acoustic link to the door volume.


use the precisely aligned as pattern for the positioning of fastening points  1- 4

marking of  fixing points

  1- 4:

mark with a thin awl on the door lining and set the holes according to

     the marks set before. Use a 6mm drill.


mark speaker cut outs on the door lining. Take away the door-build. Cut out the

    speakers’ outlines (see fig.) by means of a compass saw.

Do not cut out the foamed  - it will be done after the installation of the door

    lining. ( 9)

Tip for later retrofit back to original ( see fig.:)

Measure the cut out in size and volume that the speaker have

             a good coupling to  the door volume and also have enough bearing
             surface for  a leather covered carton grill, which may recover the cut-outs
             (in case you like to retrofit back to original).

4. Handling of door lining / installation of the door panel

3. screw in the screws (1-4 M4x50). Affix the panel with all M4 screws through
     the door lining exactly into the original fastening points. Secure with washers
     and nuts. Screw only hand tight (screws 1-4), as there is no definitive point of end.
     Check again for precise fit, tighten all screws and secure with adhesive or
     safety paint.


ll cutting edges of the panel must fit to the door lining snugly

              all around without gap.

check all screw connections:

     in order to avoid damages to the car door check the length of the staybolts
     on the back side of the door lining once again and  possibly shorten them.
     This does not affect the ventilation.

11 12



Tip for retrofit:
chose your cut-out

that the bearing

surface is kept

       76150 - AUDI 80 Convertible/coupé 

- 9 -


         76150 - AUDI 80  Convertible/coupé

- 6 -


screws  5-13  = Screws premounted

fastening of screws

fix.point    1-4:           M 4 x 50
Screws premounted:
fix.point    5-9:          M 4 x 40

fix.point 10-13:         M 4 x 50









7. installation of the door-lining onto the the car doors


Check up length of the screws and bolts:

in order to prevent damages of mechanic parts of the car doors, please check

  once again the length of all bolts and screws on the back side of the door
  lining! No touch with any mechanic parts of the car doors !
  (please shorten if necessary).

7.2. reinstall the doorlining - fit it in contrary order of succession as described

 on page no. 3

carefully clip on the plastic pins around the doorling

7.3. carefully screw in the SPAX screws 6 + 7

through the door panel and

the door lining to the door metal.

  observe cables and mechanic parts !

fastening point 6: Spax-screw 5,0 x 60

7: Spax-screw 5,0 x 100

7.4. cut out the moisture protection foil (u-form) and stabilize the lateral cutting

  edges in order to avoid vibration noise ( e.g. use a packing tape)

1. use the fastening angle on the backside of the panel and

the precisely aligned panel as template in order to mark fastening  points 1- 5:

• mark the fastening points

1_ premounted in the panel:

pressing the panel to the door lining leaves visible impressions of the screws

marking of fixing points


use a thin awl to set the marks on the door-lining

2. draw the speakers’ cut-outs onto the door-lining

3. take away the door panel. Drill the holes on the backside of the doorlining for the

screws according to the marks set before. Use a 

4mm drill for fastening point 1



6mm drill for fastening points 2-5

4. Handling of door lining / Panel installation - Fastening

5. Screw in the 5x M4-screws

on the backside of the doorling

through the fastening

angle of the panel:


the exactly succession of fastening points 1-5

for precise fitting.

Screw only hand-tight and fix the panel onto the doorlining. Secure all screws

 with washers and nuts.

5. check again for precise fitting and tighten screws.

All cutting edges of the panel must fit to the door lining snugly

all around without gap

4. Cut out the holes for both speakers along

the marking with a compass saw: Enlarge the
original cut-out of the doorlining - see fig.

of cut-out


Screwing M4-screws:


the exactly succession of

fastening points 1-5

for precise fitting.

6 Ktn. M4x30

already mounted


 = 6 Ktn. M 4 x 30

 76076 - Mercedes SLK

- 9 -


 76076 - Mercedes SLK

- 6 -


Doorpanel fastening points


Spax 5,0 x 100


Spax 5,0 x 60

7= see page 9

6= see page 9

ref.points 6+7: no pre-drilling

Drilling has to be done directly
if installing the complete door lining
to the car door (see page 9)


 = M 4 x 30


 = M 4 x 30


 = M 4 x 30


 = M 4 x 30

7. Montage der Türverkleidung auf die Fahrzeugtüren

Überprüfung der Schrauben-/Stehbolzenlängen:

7.1. Um Beschädigungen von Türmechanikteilen der Fahrzeugtüren vorzu-
       beugen, vor der Montage der Türverkleidung nochmals alle Längen
       der Stehbolzen / Schrauben auf der Türverkleidungsrückseite

überprüfen - diese dürfen nicht an Türmechanikteile der Fahrzeugtüren
anstoßen! (ggfs.: Zu lange Stehbolzen kürzen).

7.2. Türverkleidung oben in die Türschachtleiste einhängen

7.3. In umgekehrter Reihenfolge wie auf Seite 3 beschrieben wieder

TIPP: vorher die obere Türschachtleiste mit rückstandslosen Gleitmittel


7.4.  Schaumfolie zur weiteren Verbesserung der akustischen Ankopplung
        an das Türvolumen hinter den Tieftönern u-förmig einschneiden.

1. Zur Positionierung der Befestigungspunkte 1-4 das passgenau ausgerichtete

    Paneel als Schablone verwenden:

•  Markierung der Befestigungspunkte 1- 4:

    mit einem dünnen Vorstecher auf der Türverkleidung markieren und die
    Bohrungen gemäß Markierung mit einem 6 mm-Bohrer vornehmen:

2. Alle Lautsprecheröffnungen auf der Türverkleidung anzeichnen.
    Paneel wieder abnehmen. Ausschnitt für die Lautsprecheröffnungen (S.Abb.)
    auf der Türverkleidung mit einer Stichsäge vornehmen. Die Schaumfolie


 ausschneiden - diese wird erst nach der Montage der Türverkleidung

    (s.Seite 9) u-förmig eingeschnitten.

Endkontrolle nach Türpaneel-Montage:

Alle Funktionen der Bedienelemente wie Sitzverstellung,

Handschuhfachöffnung, Fensterheber etc. überprüfen.

4. Bearbeitung der Türverkleidung   /  Montage der Türpaneele

3. Schrauben (1-4: M4x 50) eindrehen. Türpaneel mit der Türverkleidung durch

»leichtes Festschrauben« aller M4-Schrauben fixieren. Alle Schrauben mit den

    Unterlagscheiben und Muttern sichern, dabei die Muttern der Schrauben 1-4
    nur vorsichtig anziehen, da es hier keinen definierten Endpunkt gibt.
    Nochmals Passgenauigkeit überprüfen, Schrauben festziehen und mit
    Kontakt-Klebstoff oder Sicherungslack sichern.

Alle Schnittkanten des Paneels müssen umlaufend ohne Spalt auf der

Türverkleidung anliegen.

       75150 - AUDI 80 Cabrio/Coupé 

- 9 -


         75150 - AUDI 80 Cabrio/Coupé 

- 6 -


Schrauben  5-9  = bereits ab Werk im Paneel montiert


Punkt   1-4:           M 4 x 50
Schrauben bereits montiert:
Punkt 5-9:           M 4 x 40









7. Installation of the door lining onto car door

7.1. Fit the door lining in contrary order (described on page 3).


Cut out the foamed foil like a U (behind the woofers) in order to

         improve the acoustic link to the door volume.


use the precisely aligned as pattern for the positioning of fastening points  1- 4

marking of  fixing points

  1- 4:

mark with a thin awl on the door lining and set the holes according to

     the marks set before. Use a 6mm drill.


mark speaker cut outs on the door lining. Take away the door-build. Cut out the

    speakers’ outlines (see fig.) by means of a compass saw.

Do not cut out the foamed  - it will be done after the installation of the door

    lining. ( 9)

Tip for later retrofit back to original ( see fig.:)

Measure the cut out in size and volume that the speaker have

             a good coupling to  the door volume and also have enough bearing
             surface for  a leather covered carton grill, which may recover the cut-outs
             (in case you like to retrofit back to original).

4. Handling of door lining / installation of the door panel

3. screw in the screws (1-4 M4x50). Affix the panel with all M4 screws through
     the door lining exactly into the original fastening points. Secure with washers
     and nuts. Screw only hand tight (screws 1-4), as there is no definitive point of end.
     Check again for precise fit, tighten all screws and secure with adhesive or
     safety paint.


ll cutting edges of the panel must fit to the door lining snugly

              all around without gap.

check all screw connections:

     in order to avoid damages to the car door check the length of the staybolts
     on the back side of the door lining once again and  possibly shorten them.
     This does not affect the ventilation.

11 12



Tip for retrofit:
chose your cut-out

that the bearing

surface is kept

       76150 - AUDI 80 Convertible/coupé 

- 9 -


         76150 - AUDI 80  Convertible/coupé

- 6 -


screws  5-13  = Screws premounted

fastening of screws

fix.point    1-4:           M 4 x 50
Screws premounted:
fix.point    5-9:          M 4 x 40

fix.point 10-13:         M 4 x 50











1. use the precisely aligned panel as template in order to mark fastening

    points 1- 7:

mark the fastening points 

1-3_ premounted in the panel:

    pressing the panel to the door lining leaves visible impressions of the screws

marking of  fixing points


    use a thin awl to set the marks on the door-lining

TIP to mark angular fastening points 6+7:

put in  a little bit of packing tape to this position. Measure up the angular position.

       Mark panel edge and angular position on the tape.

2. draw the speakers’ cut-outs onto the door-lining.

3. take away the door build. cut out the speakers’ outlines marked by means

    of a compass saw

4. Drill the holes for the screws

     according to the marks set
     before. Use a 6mm drill.
     (fastening point 1 = 10mm)

5. place the door panel precise again and do the panel fastening in

   in exactly follow succession


fastening from the doorlining - backside
1. fastening points 1-3


        with washers and nuts

(fig. see page 5)

2. fastening points 6+7

    screw in the metal-screws
    3,9 x 25 into the angular
    fastening and secure with
    sheet metal nuts ø 3,9 mm.

fastening points 4+5 from
doorlining - frontside:

screw in both M4x 60 Screws

    and secure with washers
    and nuts

              All cutting edges of the panel must fit to the door lining snugly

all around without gap

7. installation of the door-lining onto the the car doors


  Check up length of the screws and bolts:

in order to prevent damages of mechanic parts of the car doors, please check

          once again the length of all bolts and screws on the back side of the door
          lining! No touch with any mechanic parts of the car doors !
          (please shorten if necessary).

7.2.    put the door-lining into the upper sealing of the car door


  grease the upper door sealing with a residue-free lubricant before

7.3.    fit it in contrary order of succession as described on page no. 3
7.4.    carefully screw in the metal screws 8-12 

through the door panel and

           the door lining to the door metal.
           IMPORTANT: Do not screw in the self cutting metal screws too tight -
                                 it deforms the doormetal and affects the normal function of
                                 the door mechanic!

          fastening point 8-11:  metal screw 5,0 x 80

          12:  metal screw 5,0 x 90

4. Handling of door lining / Panel installation - Fastening

fastening points  8 - 12 

: no pre-drilling

      fastening with metal screws has to be done directly if installing the

      the complete doorling onto the car door (see page 9)

6+7= fastening angular - panel backside - fig see page 5, too

Spax 3,9 x 25

Spax 3,9 x 25

       75110 VW Bus T 4 

- 9 -


75110 VW Bus T 4 

- 6 -



















IMPORTANT:  Strong tightening of the screws
affects the function of the door mechanic!

Final inspection after panel installation:
• please check  all functions of the operating elements such

   as seat adjustment, opening of the glove box,

   window winder etc.
• no insulation directly behind the speaker !

M 4 x 60

M 4 x 60

Summary of Contents for AUDI 80 convertible

Page 1: ... Design development and production of Car Audio Systems Heinrich Hertz Str 11 70794 Filderstadt Tel 0711 77 97 87 87 Fax 0711 77 78 921 e mail sounddesign jehnert de www jehnert com Production of Car Audio Systems Porsche Str 15 70794 Filderstadt Tel 00 49 71 58 9 56 99 0 Fax 00 49 71 58 9 56 99 10 e mail sounddesign jehnert de www jehnert com 75150 with co passenger airbag ...

Page 2: ...r cables 7 Installation of the door lining onto the car door 8 Speaker connection Loudspeaker wiring diagram 9 Installation of the speaker grills Technical information Service fault diagnoses Guarantee page 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 76150 AUDI 80 Convertible coupé 1 JEHNERT SOUND DESIGN C o n t e n t s Particularly important notes contain the following remarks Please follow the installatio...

Page 3: ...Washer Ø 20mm f head screws M4x50 on the top Washer Ø 20mm as spacer for Velcro fastener Sheet metal screws black 3 9x13 f woofer Velcro strip à 2 5 cm reserve Preassembled hardware Velcro fastener plus strips Sheet metal screws black 3 9x13 f subwoofer Flat head screws M 4 x 40 Flat head screws M 4 x 50 The product was carefully packed and checked for its completeness If you find anything missing...

Page 4: ... groove in the door handle and unplug the cables please observe some cables on this plug are permanent current carrying and not protected by fuses Short circuits may damage the window electronic 1 4 unscrew the screw on the door latch lever 3 and remove the door latch lever 1 5 remove the adhesive tape underneath the sheet metal clamp fastening for the cover of the Bowden pull wire Hang out the Bo...

Page 5: ...t on the front part of the tray 1 cm is overlapping the normal cutting edge see fig below and pull away the tray a little bit Separate the tray on its smallest point in a way that the doorboard is directly under the arm rest and in line with the front part of the tray In order to check the cutting edge place the doorboard on the door card Cut off the tray with a metal saw on the cutting edge Der v...

Page 6: ...Paneelseitenkante verläuft bündig zur Schnittkante des vorderen Teiles der Originalkartentasche 75150 AUDI 80 Cabrio Coupé 5 JEHNERT SOUND DESIGN 3 Paneelanpassung Fixpunkte 1 6 Stehbolzen der Paneelunter kante in die Originalbe festigungslöcher der Türver verkleidung einpassen Fixpunktlinie Schnittkante des vorderen Teiles der Originalkarten tasche 3 1 Türverkleidung auf eine ebene Fläche legen 3...

Page 7: ... 10 13 M 4 x 50 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 use the precisely aligned as pattern for the positioning of fastening points 1 4 marking of fixing points 1 4 mark with a thin awl on the door lining and set the holes according to the marks set before Use a 6mm drill 2 mark speaker cut outs on the door lining Take away the door build Cut out the speakers outlines see fig by means of a compass saw Do not cut out t...

Page 8: ... secure with washer Connect the tweeter and affix the mounting bowl either with hot melt adhesive or insert the clamp into the air valve 5 2 installation of midrange dashboard Install the midrange into the original mount in the dashboard 5 2 1 lever off the speaker grill and remove the original installed speaker 5 2 2 connect the JEHNERT midrange with speaker cable 1 5 4 mm2 Lead the speaker cable...

Page 9: ... cable 1 5 4 mm2 from crossover into the car doors see wiring diagram on page 11 tip please observe that air duct for the central locking system is kept open and movable rubber grommet between bearer and door Air duct may knick if closing the door 6 2 3 adapt set of cables supplied with to the speaker connection 6 crossover circuit loudspeaker cables 76150 AUDI 80 Convertible coupé 8 JEHNERT SOUND...

Page 10: ...eite 3 beschrieben wieder befestigen TIPP vorher die obere Türschachtleiste mit rückstandslosen Gleitmittel einreiben 7 4 Schaumfolie zur weiteren Verbesserung der akustischen Ankopplung an das Türvolumen hinter den Tieftönern u förmig einschneiden Endkontrolle nach Türpaneel Montage Alle Funktionen der Bedienelemente wie Sitzverstellung Handschuhfachöffnung Fensterheber etc überprüfen 75150 AUDI ...

Page 11: ...r circuit Speaker connection 8 1 connect all loudspeakers with the included standart cables for woofer parallel wiring see diagram on page 11 Notice You should check the polarity of all subwoofers before connecting them to the crossover circuit with a 9 volt battery pole of the crossover circuit input to of a 9 Volt battery pole of the crossover circuit input to of a 9 Volt battery All subwoofers ...

Page 12: ...pé 11 JEHNERT SOUND DESIGN Circuit diagram of 3 way crossover 4x woofer H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e D E S I G N JEHNERT Sound Sound W O O F E R S p e a k e r M A D E I N G E R M A N Y H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e D E S I G N JEHNERT Sound Sound W O O F E R S p e a k e r M A D E I N G E R M A N Y H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e D E S I G N JEHNERT Sound Sound W O O F E R S p e a k e r M A D E I N ...

Page 13: ...ts and the resulting differences in material cross section of the grill Solution the distance can be levelled out with spacers 3 under the Velcro disc Spacers included with the screw kit 9 1 Precisely align and carefully press grill into the Velcro fasteners The Velcro fastener makes a crackling sound when it is closed correctly 76150 AUDI 80 Convertible coupé 12 JEHNERTSOUNDDESIGN 9 Installation ...

Page 14: ...mplifier power from 2x 200 360 Watt RMS 4 Ohm Metal cutwork not necessary Cut outs for loudspeaker 4 x 144mm max outer dimensions subwoofer 165 mm each side max installation depth subwoofer 65 mm only compatible with JEHNERT Sound System Sound System 3 ways 4 x 160 mm subwoofer side 1 x 100 mm midrange side 1 x 26 mm tweeter side car customized crossover network max continuous Watt RMS 2 x 300 500...

Page 15: ...oesn t fit correctly door panel customization page 8 installation of the panels on the door lining page 9 grills do not hold observe notes on page 12 Self help and fault diagnosis 76150 AUDI 80 Convertible coupé 14 JEHNERT SOUND DESIGN We thank you for your support We have taken great care to explain the procedures in our installation instructions more detailed and step by step Your tips and sugge...

Page 16: ...xempt from this guarantee are damages due to improper use wear and tear or damages which have to be led back on wear or interventions by third parties The guarantee does not cover subsequent damages or such defects that only insignificantly impair the value or the usability of the panels sound system The guarantee does not cover damages due to external influences Panels with additional or wrong as...
