1. SpecificationS & coMponentS LiSt
2. pReLiMinaRY inStaLL GUiDe
3. inStaLLation GUiDe
4. opeRation & Maintenance
5. WaRRantY
6. teSt ReSULtS
7. finaL WoRDS
Eva 992
Zelia 908
Lea 998 | Tatiana 997
inStaLLation & USeR GUiDe
Jc BoRDeLet
notice to inStaLLeR:
these instructions must be left with the owner, who should keep them for future use.
1.1 BoRDeLet tatiana 997
1.2 BoRDeLet Lea 998
1.3 BoRDeLet zeLia 908
1.4 BoRDeLet eva 992