Appendix G:
Important Information About LSR4300 Firmware
When LSR4300 Studio Monitors are connected together in a network, all speakers and subwoofers should have
the same version of firmware installed. LSR4300 Studio Monitors produced prior to September 2006 have
Firmware version 1.1 installed. LSR4300 Studio Monitors produced after September 2006 and LSR4312SP
Subwoofers have firmware version 2.0 or later installed. If your speakers have dissimilar versions of firmware,
you can download the latest version of firmware at www.jblproservice.com.The firmware flahser application
includes text prompts that will guide you through the proceedure.
To determine if the firmware in associated LSR4300 speakers require an update, determine the firmware
version currently installed in each speaker using this procedure:
• Remove the power cord from the loudspeaker.
• Reconnect the power cord to the loudspeaker.
• Following a brief (2 second) start-up sequence, the front panel display will freeze for
approximately 5 seconds with all button LEDs illuminated and the fi rmware version
displayed on the level meter. The firmware version should be read as follows:
• The number of green LEDs to the left of the -15dB mark indicate the 1’s digit of the firmware version.
• The number of yellow LEDs to the right of the -15 dB mark indicate the 1/10ths digit of the firmware version.
• For example. Firmware v1.1 will be displayed as follows:
• Firmware v2.0 will be displayed as follows:
If your Studio Monitors have differing firmware versions, download the latest version from JBL and update all
speakers in the system. Before proceeding, read the READ-ME file associated with the firmware file. Copy the
firmware files to a Macintosh computer with OS 10.3 operating system (or later) or a PC with Windows 2000,
XP operating system (or later) . Using a USB cable, connect the computer to the speaker to be updated. Click on
the Flash Update application for Mac or Windows and follow the prompts.
• Using LSR4300 speakers with differing fi rmware versions is not harmful to any of the speakers.
However, some features will not work correctly and system performance may be impaired.
• If after performing a firmware update, an incorrect firmware type has been loaded, ie: if firmware intended for an
LSR4328P has been installed in an LSR4326P, or vice versa, upon power up all LEDs of the display will flash, the LEDs
to the left of -15 will be green. The LEDs to the right of the -15 mark will be red, and all of the button LEDs will flash too.
To resolve this error, disconnect and reconnect the power cable from the speaker. Then perform the firmware update
procedure using the correct firmware type.
If you experience any difficulties, go to
for the latest information related to the firmware.
Or contact:
JBL Customer Service (Monday through Friday)
8:00am - 5:00pmPacific Coast Time In the U.S.A.
(800) 8JBLPRO (800.852.5776)