a) Overlap Mode -- Operating Control 24C/Control 26C Full-Range
The Control 19CS subwoofer and the Control 24C or Control 26C full-range speakers can all be driven
from a full-range signal. The bass capabilities of the full-range speakers add to that of the subwoofer.
Medium Bass -- For music requiring medium bass reinforcement, a good starting point is to use one
(1) Control 19CS subwoofer for every four (4) Control 24C full-range speakers. Because of the
Control 24C’s lower sensitivity (compared to the subwoofer), you will get substantial bass
augmentation from a single subwoofer. A good starting point for Control 26’s is to use one (1)
Control 19CS subwoofer for every two (2) to four (4) Control 26C full-range speakers.
Heavy Bass -- For music requiring heavy bass reinforcement, consider using one (1) Control 19CS
subwoofer for every two (2) Control 24C full-range speakers and one (1) Control 19CS
subwoofer for every one (1) to two (2) Control 26C full-range speakers.
b) Active Crossover Mode -- Operating Control 24C/Control 26C High-Passed
A better overall sound can often be attained with the ceiling speakers high-passed via a separate
electronic crossover, resulting in deeper bass by eliminating the overlap (frequency bump) in the mid-
bass region. In this configuration, the Control 19CS subwoofer takes a greater share of the low-
frequency burden, so more subwoofers may be required:
Medium Bass – Start with one (1) Control 19CS subwoofer for every two (2) Control 24C high-
passed speakers and one (1) Control 19CS subwoofer for every one (1) to two (2) Control 26C
high-passed speakers.
Heavy Bass – Start with using one (1) Control 19CS subwoofer for every one (1) to two (2) C24C
high-passed speakers and one (1) Control 19CS subwoofer for every one (1) Control 26C high-
passed speakers or two (2) subwoofers for every one (1) Control 26C.
Ratio of
C19CS : C24C
Ratio of
C19CS : C26C
Medium Bass
1:4 or 1:2
Heavy Bass
1:2 or 1:1
Medium Bass
1:2 or 1:1
Heavy Bass
1:1 or 1:2
1:1 or 2:1
(See text for positioning, powering and tap-setting assumptions behind these ratios.)
Higher Output Subwoofer Options – Even though the Control 19 delivers amazing bass output for its
size, it may not be the correct selection for applications that require very high subwoofer output. JBL
Professional manufactures a wide selection of high powered subwoofers, including both passive and self-
powered models as well as units that can be affixed to the wall or suspended from the ceiling.