Minimum Overlap
Full Overlap
Low Level Background
Background Music
with Basic Paging
Foreground Music with
High Quality Paging
Heavy Speech
In summary, the choice of speaker model, layout patterns and layout density should be made on the basis of
many factors, including:
Acoustics of the room
Ambient noise
Sound level requirement
Required intelligibility of voice paging
Evenness of coverage desired
Type of music
The importance of the sound within the space
Type of listeners & listener expectations
Using Acoustic Modeling Computer Programs – For basic use, JBL’s Distributed Speaker Design
software (DSD) computes speaker spacing, maximum continuous average SPL for pink noise, maximum
continuous peak SPL, maximum continuous average SPL for music & speech, expected level variation of
the direct sound and recommended amplifier power for speakers placed in a rectangular room.
CADP2 or EASE acoustic modeling computer programs are very accurate at predicting the performance of
proposed sound system designs precisely for complex rooms. These programs allow the system designer
to enter the exact parameters of the room (such as dimensions, surface materials, obstructions,
architecture), and simulate the performance, coverage, and intelligibility resulting from various loudspeaker
selection and placement options. Device files for the Control Contractor ceiling loudspeakers are available
in the U.S. directly from JBL Professional. In areas outside the U.S. device files can be obtained from
JBL’s authorized Distributor in your region. Device files can also be downloaded from the JBL
Professional web site at www.jblpro.com.