eject button:
Press this button to eject a disc from the BD receiver’s
built-in disc player. Before pressing this button, make sure no objects are
blocking the disc drawer.
power button:
Pressing this button toggles the receiver between the On
and Standby modes. NOTE: If the receiver goes for 30 minutes without
receiving an audio signal or a user command, it will automatically enter the
Standby mode to conserve electrical power.
Source buttons:
Press one of these buttons to select a source device.
This action will also turn on the receiver from the Standby mode.
• Pressing “Disc” selects the receiver’s built-in disc player.
• Pressing “Radio” selects the receiver’s built-in FM tuner.
• Pressing “Stream” selects a
playback device that has been
paired with the receiver, DLNA-compatible devices on your local area
network or one of the available on-line streaming services: YouTube
streaming; Picasa
image-sharing service; Pandora
music service.
(Note: Streaming services are region-dependent.)
• Each press of the Source button cycles the receiver among the following
sources: Auxiliary Analog Input, Optical Digital Input, Coaxial Digital Input,
HDMI ARC, HDMI 1 (BD300 only) and HDMI 2 (BD300 only).
number buttons:
Use these buttons for entering disc track numbers,
chapter search, etc.
Mute button:
Press this button to mute the sound from the receiver’s
speaker outputs. Press the button again to un-mute the sound. NOTE: The
Mute button does not mute the HDMI audio output.
display button:
When you are playing Blu-ray Disc and DVD recordings,
pressing this button activates a bar display containing information about the
disc or program that's currently playing. When you are playing a video or
photo slideshow from an inserted USB device, pressing this button displays
the Status bar. The button does not function when the receiver is playing
material from an auxiliary source or the radio.
Setup button:
Press this button to display the receiver’s setup-menu
system. See
Settings Menu,
on page 15, for more information.
/– buttons:
Press these buttons to increase or decrease the
volume of the receiver’s speaker outputs. NOTE: The /– buttons
do not change the volume of the HDMI audio output.
iMporTAnT: do not turn the Volume buttons up to or past the
point where the audio from the speakers becomes distorted.
doing so can damage the speakers.
c/– buttons:
When the Radio or Pandora (US only) source is
selected on the remote control, the C/– buttons select the next
higher or lower preset station.
home button:
Pressing this button returns the on-screen display to the
Home screen from whatever screen is active when the button is pressed.
Top Menu button:
Displays the top menu of the Blu-ray Disc recording
or DVD that is playing. NOTE: This feature is disc-dependent. Not all discs
have top menus. If the disc has no top menu, pressing the Top Menu button
may display the disc menu, depending on how the disc’s menu system was
authored. See
Using the Disc Player,
on page 21, for details.
pop-up Menu button:
Pressing this button while playing a Blu-ray Disc
recording or DVD displays its disc menu. NOTE: This feature is disc-
dependent. Not all discs have pop-up menus. If a disc has no pop-up
menu, pressing the Pop-Up button may display the disc menu, depending
on how the disc’s menu system was authored.
enter button:
Press this button to select the highlighted item on the on-
screen menu.
cursor buttons:
Use these buttons to navigate through items on the on-
screen menu.
options button:
Pressing this button displays any available options for the
item that is active at the time the button is pressed.
clear/exit button:
Pressing this button exits the current on-screen menu
and displays the previous screen.
Audio button:
When playing a Blu-ray disc or DVD, press this button
to display the audio menu for the disc. When listening to FM radio, press
the button to switch between stereo and mono reception modes. (Mono
reception may reduce background noise when you are listening to stations
with weak signals.)
Subtitle button:
When playing a Blu-ray disc or DVD, press this button to
toggle through the different subtitle options that are available. NOTE: This
feature is disc-dependent. Not all discs feature multiple subtitle options.
Surround button:
Pressing this button cycles through all of the surround-
sound modes that are available for the program currently playing. Each
press of the Surround button will change to the next mode in line. A pop-up
display will appear, showing the modes as you cycle through them. NOTE:
Not all surround modes will be available for all programs. See
Sound Modes,
on page 21, for more information.
repeat button:
When the receiver is playing a Blu-ray disc, pressing this
button cycles through the following repeat modes: Chapter, Title, Off. When
the BD receiver is playing a DVD, pressing this button cycles through the
following repeat modes: Chapter, Title, All, Off. When the receiver is playing
a CD or media stored on a USB device, this button cycles through the
following repeat modes: Track, All, Off.
disc Transport control buttons:
These buttons control the BD
receiver’s built-in Blu-ray Disc player, USB devices and streaming sources.
program (red) button:
Press this button to create a programmed
playback list for the disc currently playing. See
Programmed Play,
on page
22, for more information.
Zoom (Blue) button:
Press the Zoom button to zoom in on or recede
from a video image or slide that is playing on USB media or a CD data disc.
Use the Navigation buttons to zoom in on different sections of the image.
NOTE: This function is disc-dependent for Blu-ray Disc recordings and
DVDs. Not all discs can be zoomed in on.
Bookmark (green) button:
Press this button to activate the Bookmark
function. See
Bookmark Function,
on page 22, for more information.
Thumbnail (yellow) button:
Press this button while playing a photo slide
show to display thumbnail images of all photos in the slide show.
red, green, yellow and Blue buttons:
When the BD receiver is playing
a Blu-ray disc, these buttons can activate features and menus that may vary
from disc to disc. Refer to the menu instructions for each particular disc
for more information. NOTE: These Blu-ray Disc functions may override the
Bookmark, Thumbnail, Program and Zoom functions.