JBF Environmental Technology
operating at 3 knots with the fast sweep boom in place.
Sea state limitations
Sea state limitations for towing the DIP 500 without any boom attached is
4.( It is not recommended to tow in sea state 4 for long periods of time.)
Efficient skimming conditions with boom can be achieved at sea state 1
to 1.5.
vi) Debris
A debris rake is installed on the front of the DIP 500 to prevent large
debris from entering the unit. Accumulated debris will have to be
removed manually. The vessel may be able to back down and free the
debris from the mouth of the boom configuration and maneuver around
the debris. Smaller debris passing through he debris rake will be ground
up by the cutter knives in the DESMI pump and pumped to the holding
tank. Larger pieces of debris that the pump can’t handle will float to the
top of the collection well and will have to be removed manually and
placed in a suitable container.
Moving plane assembly
The moving plane assembly consists of an aluminum frame supporting two
rollers over which the collection belt is carried. The assembly mounts in the
front of the unit. The belt is a heavy-duty material made of reinforced PVC. In
order to achieve a positive drive and to avoid any possibility of slipping and
poor tracking, special SS roller chains are attached to the edge of the belt.
These chains engage sprockets on the head and tail rollers through which the
belt is driven. The tension and drive loads are taken directly by the roller
chains, while loads on the belt are only those associated with its own inertia
and motion through the water. Oil and debris being collected is held against
the belt by a combination of dynamic, buoyant, and cohesive forces as it moves
downward and aft into the collection well.