page 7
JUNE 2018
Lighting Instructions
Place the fi re lighter cubes at even intervals around the circular
downdraught cylinder.
(Fig 1.)
Stack the kindling in a cross stack manner
(Fig 2.)
Light the fi re lighters using the long reach lighter then close and
lock the door.
Once the kindling fuel is well-alight (approximately 6-8mins) then the
Intermediate #1 fuel loading can be added on top of the fuel bed.
Again close and lock the door.
After another 6-8 minutes add the Intermediate #2 fuel load.
Close and lock the door.
Ensure fuel is placed into the fi rebox - never thrown. This will preserve the
life of your components, and avoid your fuel load toppling.
At this time the automatic bypass damper may engage, this will happen
automatically between 14-20 minutes after the fi re is started. This is
dependent upon wood condition, heating of the fi rebox and ambient (room)
Once the initial fuel loads have burned down to an ember bed, the main
loads can be applied (approximately 3kg of wood in two pieces).
Apply further fuel as required.
(Fig 3.)
General Operational Guidelines
When opening the door, unlatch the handle, slowly open the door approximately 25mm ajar, pause for 5-10
seconds then slowly draw the door fully open (this allows for smoke to exit correctly through the fl ue).
From this time forward, the UL200 can be operated much like a traditional wood fi re due to its automatic
Ensure the entire fuel load fi ts inside the fi rebox before closing the door. The optimum fuel length is 300mm
Use well-seasoned wood with a moisture content of 10% up to 25% moisture. Kiln dried fuel is not
recommended. Treated timbers of any kind should not be burned due to the release of harmful gases.
Keep the lower chamber closed during operation and keep it free of any foreign material. Small pieces of
charcoal may fall into the lower chamber, these will burn away in a short time.
Maintain the exterior surfaces of your fi re using only a damp cotton cloth, your glass should remain clear
when the UL200 is operated correctly.
Be cold this winter
(Fig 1.)
(Fig 2.)
(Fig 3.)