page 5
APRIL 2018
WATER BOOSTER - INSTALLATION (Installation Instructions supplied separately with Booster)
Please check the Specification sheet for this model regarding the Water Booster. A Jayline SS280
PW 3.1kW Water Booster (#302838) must be used with this model to comply with the clean air
requirements and the warranty (if non rural).
The Water Booster must be fitted by a Certifying Plumber to a low pressure, open vented water storage
system, or an indirect system (heat exchanger). Please check with your Certifying Plumber.
For optimum performance, your cylinder should be no more than four metres from the woodstove.
The distance should be kept to a minimum. The hot water outlet (top pipe) should rise a minimum
of 1 in 12 to the hot water cylinder (a steeper rise works better). The cold water return should drop to
the water booster inlet (lower pipe). The pipe work must be 25mm diameter and should avoid sharp
bends or restrictions. Pipes between the cylinder and the woodstove should be lagged to within a
safe distance of the woodstove to avoid heat loss.
Please note - When using a Water Booster fitted to an existing, or new cylinder, a Tempering Valve
must be fitted to limit hot water temperature to the users (as per the Building Code), as this is an
uncontrolled heat source.