Jaylor Owner Manual
5000 Series Truck Mount Models
Mixer operation
will differ greatly with the various feeds and climatic conditions. In most instances “trial
and error” is the best method of setting up the machine a particular commodity to obtain maximum
performance. As a general rule the bulkiest and lightest commodities should be added first. To prevent
over-cutting of feed, we suggest starting with the restrictor blades in the out position and then adjusting to
obtain the desired coarseness of mix.
It is recommended that commodities are added to the mixing chamber while the augers are turning.
Starting the augers from a standstill with a full load in the mixing chamber places additional stress on the
machine which may affect the service life of the mixer. If it is required to restart the machine while loaded,
ract the restrictor blades to the ‘out’ position in order to decrease starting torque as much as possible.
The augers should not mix at a speed greater than 41rpm.
The type of mix required varies from one operation to another therefore mixing time and procedure will
vary as well. When adding ingredients, watch the numbers on the scale indicator to monitor the weight of
each ingredient as it is added. We highly recommend the use of a feed nutritionist when planning the
rations as well as the regular use of a particle separator to ensure accuracy of mix. For your convenience,
a Jaylor Particle Separator, based on the Penn State Particle Separator, is provided with your machine.
Included at the back of this manual is an article which describes how to use the separator and interpret
your results. Upon completion, the ideal mix will be light, fluffy and uniform. Hays/straws will be cut cleanly
at short lengths and no clumping of feed will be visible.
Never enter the mixing chamber unless the mixer is parked on a flat, level surface, all
controls are in neutral, parking brake is applied if equipped, engine is stopped, ignition key is
removed, and all moving parts have stopped. Failure to follow these safety precautions can result in
serious injury or death.
Never stand on the mixer platform while the drum is being loaded. Stay out of reach of
the loading equipment.
Never park or load the mixer in a location where you or any person could fall into the
mixing chamber as severe injury or death could result.
While loading the machine, be certain that no bucket or loading device comes into
contact with the rotating auger inside the mixing chamber. This may cause injury or death to the
operator and serious damage to the mixer and/or loader.
It is recommended that commodities are added to the mixing chamber while the auger
is turning for maximum mix efficiency. Starting the augers from a standstill with a full load in the
mixing chamber places additional stress on the machine and may decrease mix quality.
Never load anything into the mixing chamber that could cause damage to the machine
(i.e. lumber, branches, stones, tires, etc.). Before mixing any materials other than suitable animal
feed stuffs, written permission must be obtained from the manufacturer!