1.6. Options Authorization File (OAF)
JAVAD GNSS issues an Option Authorization File (OAF) to enable specific purchased options.
An Option Authorization File allows customers to customize and configure the Triumph-1M Plus
receiver according to their needs, thus only purchasing those options needed.
Typically, all Triumph-1M Plus receivers are shipped with a temporary OAF that allows the
receiver to be used for a predetermined period. When the receiver is purchased, a new OAF
activates purchased options permanently. Receiver options remain intact when clearing the
NVRAM or resetting the receiver.
For a complete list of options and their details, visit the JAVAD GNSS website.
You can check the status of your receiver’s options and load any new OAFs via
NetView&Modem software. Connect your receiver and computer, launch NetView&Modem
application, and establish connection between NetView and receiver. For more details, see the
NetView&Modem user manual.
In “Options” tab, the list of options available and their status are shown:
Option name / Description – A name/description of the option.
Current – Shows if the option is in force at the present or not.
Purchased – If the option is purchased or not.
Leased – If the option is leased or not.
Date – The date the leased option will be disabled, if applicable.
Figure 5: NetView&Modem – Options