Command Line Interface
Special Commands
3.3.2. MPORT
The MPORT is an object that responsible for maintenance serial port interface configurations such as data
rate and number of bits in a byte.
MPORT [Parameter Name] [Parameters List] [/?]
JAVAD GNSS radio modem’s does not support data flow and parity on the maintenance serial port.The
radio modem with none-dedicated maintenance serial port must keep CTS line always active in MPORT
mode (DP/MP is low).
3.4. Special Commands
3.4.1. BOOT
The factory software image and default configuration is set for the new unit. The BOOT command is
intended to reboot the unit using specified software image and selected configuration.
The BOOT command with no parameters selects the user settings defined by the prior “parameterized”
BOOT commands.
3.4.2. HELP
The HELP command types the list of all available commands:
HELP- Display this usage
BOOT- Reboot the unit
LINK- Set RF Link Operation Mode
DPORT- Set Data Port Configuration
MPORT- Set Maintenance Port Configuration
ALARM- Alarm Indication and Alarm Control Configuration
Parameter Name
Parameter List
0 – Auto.
1 – 1200 baud
2 – 2400 baud
3 – 4800 baud
4 – 9600 baud
5 – 14400 baud
6 – 19200 baud
7 – 38400 baud
8 – 57600 baud
9 – 115200 baud, a default setting