Video-PX430 / PX520 / PX658 /
PX678 series
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 1 J a t o n C o r p o r a t i o n , U S A
Technical Support
In the event you have a technical problem with this product, please read the
README files in the software CD_ROM. Updated drivers are available
through Jaton Web site. Have following information handy when you contact
technical support:
Name of the product.
Software Driver and Version.
System Information, such as CPU speed, BIOS version, Monitor Specification, etc.
Description of the problems including any error messages.
(510) 933-8886 (Mon. - Fri. 9am-5pm PST)
(510) 933-8887
How to Obtain Warranty Service
In the worldwide contact:
In United States contact:
Jaton Corporation.
Service Center
47677 Lakeview Blvd.,
Fremont, CA 94538
Tel: 510-933-8886
Fax: 510-933-8887