Plug n Comply Installation Guide
Sniffing Configuration
Sniffing is rarely used as most of the modern mail platforms use journaling.
Journaling and sniffing can be used at the same time if desired. Sniffing is done
at the network egress point, usually at the edge router or switch. The router or
switch is required to support port mirroring (or port monitoring).
Once port mirroring is enabled for the internet traffic port, the Plug n Comply™
appliances LAN 1 network card is connected to it. LAN 2 card is connected to the
internal network for web user interface access.
Journaling Configuration
Journaling is used by Microsoft Exchange mail platforms. Each version of
Exchange has a significantly different procedure for journaling configuration.
System Requirements are as follows:
Exchange Enterprise Server 2007
Service Pack 1
Exchange Enterprise Server 2003
Service Pack 1 (requires Windows
Server 2003 Service Pack 1)
Exchange Enterprise Server 2000
Service Pack 3 with the appropriate hot
NOTE: Exchange Server 5.5 does not support envelope journaling, only
standard journaling is supported. Exchange Standard Server 2000 or 2003
do not support multiple mail stores and hence only support POP3 journaling.
Reference Microsoft Article ID 870540:
Availability of the August 2004 Exchange 2000 Server Post-Service Pack 3
Update Rollup