Page 11
MMA current
Hot start current of MMA
Arc force of MMA
Welding mode switching
Other function switching
Wireless indication
Remote control
Pairing of wireless remote controller
3. Product overview
This is a digital inverter DC manual welder featuring advanced technology which provides
excellent performance. It provides stable DC arc and can weld carbon steel, low alloy steel,
stainless steel and other materials. Moreover, it offers adjustable Hot start and Arc force
functions. It is a durable machine with a wide range of applications.
processes, it can be widely used in precise welding of an
extensive range of materials. The unique electrical structure and air passage design inside
the machine increases the dissipation of heat generated by power devices, thus improving
the duty cycle of the machine. Benefitting from the unique air passage, the equipment can
effectively prevent damage to power devices and control circuits from dust drawn in by the
fan, thus greatly improving the reliability of the equipment.
The main functions are:
Two welding processes: DC MMA and LIFT TIG.
Current settings, Arc force and Hot start current are displayed for more accurate