4.3 Measurement
After the basic parameters setting completed, start measurement.
1) After the baseline has been stabilized, press [SHIFT] [1] to display the
CD/UV signal screen.
CD Sig:0.000 V
UV Sig:0.000 V
[SHIFT] [1]
Monitor Screen
Signal Voltage
NORM 291 X10
0.000 0.000 STD
CD/UV Signal Screen
UV Signal Voltage
Figure 4.7 Preamplifier Output
2) Turn OPT.CD ZERO knob(see Fig.2.1) to adjust the CD signal voltage to
become within 0
0.03V. After the adjustment finished , press [MONITOR]
to return to the normal mode screen.
3) After confirming the baseline is stable, press [AUTOZERO] key, then
recorder and integrator outputs will be set to zero.
4) Inject the sample and immediately push [MARK] to output the marker
signal to recorder output.
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