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User's Manual
) Use of emVIEW-12T/D
Janz Tec AG
Rev. 1.3
On this window the settings for
‘Device 0’ are accessible. As seen in figure 8 there are three tabs to
configure the touch-screen. The first is for calibrating the device, the second shows settings like
‘touch-mode’, ‘cursor stabilization’ and ‘right click’ characteristic. To calibrate the touch-screen the
‘Standard Calibration’ must be activated and the following screen appears
figure 9: Standard calibration screen
Further steps are displayed. After hitting all the red squares the calibration is done and the touch-
screen is operational.
: The shown example is for calibrating the touch-screen on Windows XP system, on other
Microsoft operating systems or Linux it is similar.
Calibrating the touch-screen on Ubuntu 8.04
The function of the touch-screen can be checked by looking into the device with
cat /dev/ttyS0
cat /dev/ttyUSB0
The console gives out some characters while touching the touch-screen. The calibration program is
started with
sudo gCalib
Sometimes it is necessary to jump into the folder, where the installation files for the PenMount driver
are to start gCalib.