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User's Manual
) Installation
Janz Tec AG
Rev. 1.3
Ubuntu Linux driver installation for touch-screen on RS232 or USB
Download the correct driver for the installed OS. In this section the installation on an Ubuntu 8.04 is
shown. Once the driver is downloaded (Ubuntu 8.04 Driver 2.2) the archive has to be unzipped
somewhere with:
PenMount Ubuntu8.04 Driver V2.2.tar.gz
“ and
tar -xvf
PenMount Ubuntu8.04 Driver V2.2.tar
After unzipping the archive a folder
remains. Jumping into it with
cd pmlinux-ubuntu8.04
and installing the driver with
sudo ./pm-setup
Choosing the model 4 (PenMount 9000). Now the difference is coming, when installing the touch-
screen with RS232 choose the correct device (e.g. /dev/ttyS0 while using COM1). When the touch-
screen is connected to USB choose 5 for other serial devices and type in
. This is the
device where the FTDI driver mounts the found chip to. Baud rate 19200, right button, stream mode,
500 (for 500 ms hold time) and the driver is installed. Now restart the xserver (Ctrl + Alt + Backspace).