User Manual
To update the opti onal rear display’s soft ware
If you have the opti onal rear handlebars and display, you will need to update the rear display as well.
• To update the rear display, insert the USB into the port on the right side of the rear display and run the
display update feature from the rear display.
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the USB drive from the port unti l the machine display screen is once
again acti vely displayed. This may take 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. If the USB drive is removed prematurely
the program will not fully update. This will corrupt the display soft ware.
Information Screen
To open the informati on screen, touch the
Informati on
icon in the toolbar. Aft er
selecti ng it, the icon turns blue. Choose from the informati on opti ons on the
To monitor system informati on about your machine
You may need to provide system informati on to Janome or an authorized Janome representati ve when
purchasing machine accessories or receiving technical assistance.
• Touch the
Informati on
icon in the toolbar.
Shows the lifeti me sti tch
count for the machine.
Shows the machine’s
soft ware version number.
Shows the screen’s
soft ware version number.
Shows the machine’s electronics
version number.
Shows the screen’s version