User Manual
Diagnosti cs
There are several diagnosti cs tests that you may be asked to perform by Janome technical support or
authorized Janome representati ves. These functi ons test the moti on encoders, the motor control functi ons,
the key switches, and the internal positi on sensors.
• Touch the
butt on in the toolbar. Then touch the
Diagnosti cs
butt on.
Perform diagnosti cs tests as needed. Press the
butt on to return to the
Main screen. Touch the
butt on to return to the Tools main menu.
Needle Sensor Test
Motor Sensor Test
Motor Speed Test
Y-Moti on Sensor Test
Keypad Test
X-Moti on Sensor Test
To perform the Motor Sensor Test
The Motor Sensor test helps you determine whether they may be a problem with the Quilt Maker Pro 16
• Press the Motor Sensor Test butt on. Slowly rotate the hand wheel. While rotati ng, you should hear
an audible pulsing beep. If you get a constant solid beep or no beep at all, the test has failed and
the machine should be inspected by a qualifi ed Janome repair technician.
To perform the Needle Sensor Test
The Needle Sensor test indicates whether the needle positi on sensor is functi oning properly.