RePlaCing Hook
if the hook point iS damaged or too worn, the hook needS to be replaced.
to Remove:
1. remove the needle plate and bobbin holder.
2. remove the front cover (See page 6 and 7).
3. tUrn the handwheel toward yoU to align the hook point and the right edge of feed
dog teeth.
4. mark both the handwheel and the rear cover to indicate where the hook point and
the right edge of feed dog teeth meetS.
5. looSen the SetScrew (a).
6. pUSh the hook Shaft(b) from the hole (c) with allen Screwdriver.
remove the Shaft, waSherS (d), (e) and (f).
* waSherS (d) are tranSparent. waSher (e) haS a projection on itS edge.
inSert the projection in the groove of the gear when attaching.
7. remove the hook from the hook race. do not remove the feed dog teeth when
removing it.
to attaCH:
8. reverSe the procedUre above. align the hook point and the right edge of feed dog
teeth when attaching the hook to the hook race. (match the markS on the
handwheel and rearcover. wipe oUt the markS after thiS attachment.)
9. check the hook timing (See page 11) after the replacement.
if neceSSary, adjUSt the hook timing.
needle plate SetScrew
bobbin holder
meCHaniCal adjustment
needle plate
right edge of feed dog teeth
hook point