XX XX XX XX 2E 28 09 02
Extended secondary address, 8 digits.
Device-specific part, 8 digits
Version, 2 digits
Internal release, 2 digits
Manufacturer ID, 4 digits
Extended secondary address Part 4
Extended secondary address Part 3
Extended secondary address Part 2
Extended secondary address Part 1
Setting the parameters
The parameters for the primary address, the baud rate and the number of data points
are set-adjusted directly on the UMG96S. A description for the programming of
parameters can be found in the operating instructions for the UMG96S in Chapter
„Parameters and measured values“.
M-Bus Address
The M-Bus address consists of the primary address at least. In addition, the UMG96S
can be accessed over the secondary address.
Primary address
The M-Bus subscriber can be addressed over the primary address. You can employ
the primary addresses from 1 to 250 for the UMG96S. The addresses 0, 251 to 255
are reserved for special tasks. The primary address can be changed over the M-Bus.
Secondary address
The secondary address consists of the extended secondary address and a device-
specific part.
The device-specific secondary address part cannot be changed.
The secondary address consists of 8 bytes and is BCD coded.
The extended secondary address is preset with the device serial number.
The extended secondary address can be changed by the customer.