UMG 508
List of transients
Recognized transients are listed in the transi-
ents list.
• The transients list consists of 2 pages.
• Transients 1 to 8 are listed on page 1 and 9
to 16 on page 2.
Display transients
• Go to the transients list with key 6 „selec-
• Select a transient with keys 3 and 4.
• Allow to the transients to be presented gra-
phically with key 6.
• Show or hide the legends with key 6 „Le-
• You can exit the graphic presentation of the
transients with key 1.
Transient voltages are quick, impulsive
transient oscillation processes in elec-
trical networks.
Transient voltages are not predictable
with respect to time and have a limited
Transient voltages are caused by the
effects of lighting, by switching opera-
tions or by triggered fuses.