Page 24
= Peak value
= Minimum value
= Supply
Measured value rotation
Once in a second all measured values are calculated and can be shown
on the display. For calling up the measured value indications, two
methods are available:
- The automatic rotating indications of selected measured value
indications, in the following called measured value rotation.
- The selection of measured value indications via the keys 1 and 2.
Both methods are available simultaneously. The rotation is program-
med, when at least one measured value indication and one rotation
time bigger than 0 seconds are programmed. If no key was pressed
for about 60 seconds, an automatic change over to rotation, and all
programmed measured values are indicated one after the other.
Setting range of rotation time:
0 .. 250 seconds
If 0 seconds have been programmed, no rotation is carried out.
Measured value indications, which are not programmed in the
red value selection
, can nevertheless be user for rotation.
Programming of rotation time
In programming mode scroll to the menu measured value rotation,
using key 2. Confirm selection with key 1.
The first cipher of the rotation time is flashing and can be changed
by pressing key2. Confirming with key 1, the next cipher is selected
and flashes.
If no cipher is flashing anymore, you can change to programming
menu „
Measured value selection“
pressing key 2.
Symbol rotation time
Rotation time in seconds