Page 16
= Peak value
= Minimum value
= Supply
To avoid an unintentional change of programming data, a user pass-
word can be entered. If the correct user password is entered, a change
into the following programming menus is possible.
In delivery condition, no user password is given (000). In this case,
the user password is skipped and you reach the current transformer
menu immediately.
If a user password was programmed, the password menu appears in
display with the indication „000“.
The first cipher of the user password is flashing and can be changed
with key 2. Pressing key 1, the next cipher is selected and flashes.
After entering the correct cipher combination, you reach the program-
ming menu for the current transformer.
Password Symbol
Current transformer
Current transformers with a secondary current of 1A or 5A can be
connected to the UMG 96 by choice.
The presetting is a current transformer ratio of 5A/5A. As the se-
condary current, only 1A or 5A can be set.
In programming mode the current transformer setting is marked with
the symbol „
In programming mode you scroll to the current transformer ratio by
pressing key 2. Confirm the selection by pressing key 1.
The first cipher of the primary current is flashing and can be chan-
ged by pressing key 2. Pressing key 1, you select the next cipher,
which is flashing now.
If the complete number is flashing, the decimal point can be moved.
Press key 2 shortly - The decimal point moves to the right.
Press key 2 longer - The decimal point moves to the left.
If no cipher is flashing anymore, you can go to the indication of the
voltage transformer.
Primary current (5.00kA = 5000A)
Secondary current Cur renttrans-
former symbol
k A
Example: Sum current transformer
A current measurement is carried out via two current transformers,
each with a ratio of 1000/5A and one transformer with a ratio of 200/
5A. The sum measurement is carried out with a sum current
transformer 5+5/5A.
The UMG96 must be programmed with the following values:
Primary current: 1000A + 200A =
Secondary current:
The program only allows current and voltage transformer
ratios, if the single phase power can be 33.3kW maximum
and the sum power 99.9kW maximum.