0=24-bit, 1=30-bit
Applicable modes:
8.9 Command BI – Binning (Horizontal only)
This function reduces the number of pixels to 256 without affecting the line rate. Two
adjacent pixels are combined at the output stage and read out as one pixel. Sensitivity
is doubled as a result of binning. Refer to Chapter
6.3.11 Binning
for how it works.
1=binning on, 0=binning off
Applicable modes:
Important Note:
Setting data is stored in camera memory for use at next start up
This function is available for all modes.
8.10 Command BL – Master Black Level
This command is a global black level adjustment for all channels. The adjustable range
for master black is 0LSB to 64 (16) LSB. The number in parenthesis is valid for 24-bit
0 to 127
Associated functions:
Command BLR - black level for the red channel.
Command BLB – black level for the blue channel.
8.11 Commands BLR and BLB – Black level red and black level blue
In conjunction with Command BL, these commands allow individual setting of the
black level in all channels.
-64 to 63
Associated functions:
Command BL
Refer to
chapter 6.3.6
for further details.
8.12 Command BLM – Black level mode
Select the master tracking mode or the individual mode.
0=Master tracking, 1= Individual
8.13 Command EI – Interlocked R and B exposure with G
When this function enabled (interlocked), exposure time for R and B channels is
interlocked with that of G channel. The Red and Blue channels will track the Green
channel proportionally, thus maintaining white balance settings.
When this is OFF, all channels are adjusted independently.
0= OFF (independent R, G and B settings)
1= ON(R and B channels interlocked with G channel)