AP-1600T-USB | AP-3200T-USB | User Manual (Ver. 2.0)
Main Functions
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Sensor Multi ROI Function
Related Setting Items:
JAI CustomControlSensorMultiROI
In this mode, the Multi ROI function built into the image sensor is used. Up to 4 areas can be specified.
In this mode, areas cannot be overlapped.
This function is only supported on AP-1600T-USB.
This function cannot be used together with the following functions.
AP-1600T-USB: when BinningVertical = 2 AND BinningVertical = 2 (
The setting is
JAI CustomControlSensorMultiROI
. Specify width, height, horizontal / vertical offset
value for each index.
Please refer to the example in the figure below and set SensorMultiRoiHorizontalEnable,
SensorMultiRoiVerticalEnable. For Index 1, both SensorMultiRoiHorizontalEnable and
SensorMultiRoiVerticalEnable are fixed to True.
When using SensorMultiROI mode, if EdgeEnhancer is enabled, the boundaries of each
area may be edge-emphasized depending on the acquired image.