Cleaning The Open Top And Wok Burners
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6. To clean the burners you must first remove the
grates and the grate supports. Then unscrew the
wing nut that attaches the burner to the hanger.
Remove the burner and let it soak in hot sudsy
water. Wipe off the stains. Scrub stubborn stains
with a non-abrasive cleaning pad. Rinse thoroughly
and dry.
7. Removal of burners allows for easy cleaning of
hangers. Note: the igniter lead cable runs
underneath the hanger; do not get this cable wet. If
the cable is wet the igniter will not operate until the
cable has dried. (Should this occur, the burner can
be lit manually with a match. Manual lighting will
speed the drying process.) The grounding of the
circuit prevents the cable from operating when wet.
In this situation, the range can still be turned on
safely without danger of electrical shock resulting
from this specific condition.
8. Burners must be thoroughly dried before
reinstalling them in the range. A wet burner will not
allow the gas to ignite properly. After drying,
reposition the burners, and secure them in place by
tightening the wing nuts.
9. Control knobs are removable to facilitate cleaning.
Before removing the knobs, make sure they are in
the OFF position. Remove the knobs by pulling
them toward you. Wash with a mild
cleaner/degreaser, rinse well and dry.