Weight Control
Officer Approved
Jabiru J400
Section: 6
Publication JP OM15
Owners Manual
This statement should not be misinterpreted. Front seat weight does have an effect
on the aircraft cg location and if you are calculating the aircraft cg location by any
means other than this trim sheet method you
include the front seat weight in
your calculations.
Enter the chart at the top horizontal scale labelled “Weight on Rear Seats”
using the aircraft “Empty Weight Trim Sheet Index” taken from Page 6/2,
or from the results of the latest weighing of the aircraft.
Drop a vertical line down to intersect with a sloping red line in the red
scale and mark a point at this location.
Calculate the weight that will be placed on the rear seats to include pax
and any baggage that is placed on the seat . Round this value to the
nearest 10-kg.
Move horizontally to the right from the point marked in Step 2-2 one line
for each 10-kg of load calculated in step 3. (i.e. 60-kg = 6 lines) and mark
a point at this location.
Drop a vertical line down from the point marked in Step 2-4 to intersect a
sloping purple line in the Blue “Baggage Calculation Box”, and mark a
point at this location.
Estimate the weight of baggage stowed in the baggage compartment
behind the rear seat to the nearest 5-kg.
Move horizontally to the right from the point marked in Step 2-6 one line
for each 5-kg of baggage weight estimated in Step 2-6, and mark a point
at this location.
Drop a vertical line down from the point marked in Step 2-8 to intersect a
sloping line in the “Take-Off Fuel Box”, and mark a point at this location.
Continue the Vertical Line began in Step 2-9 down to intersect with the
“Zero Fuel Weight Line” drawn in Step 1-4. mark this point as the “
FUEL Condition
Move horizontally to the right from the point marked in Step 2-9 in the
“Take-Off Fuel Box”, one line for each 10 liters of take-off fuel, and mark
this point.
Move vertically downward from the take-off fuel point marked in Step 2-11
to intersect with the “Take-Off Fuel Weight Line” marked in Step 1-8.
Mark this point the “
Take-Off Condition
Dated July 02
Page: 6-
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Common Documents\Jabiru Folder\Jabiru Pacific Full Line Cd PDF\Jabiru J-Series Aircraft\Owners
Manuals\Owners manual Sect 6 Rev (2).doc