J2 225 System Manual
Version 1.0 May 29, 2012
Design Concept J2 225
The J2 225, with its smooth modern appearance and capabilities, is perfectly suited for
most low cost commodity POS touch screen computer markets. The economical price and
outmatched performance will provide a great ROI for the end user, as they find it
extremely dependable as well as very easy to use. MSR and Secondary Display options
make it a perfect fit for companies in the POS markets, as well as for other industries,
including medical and healthcare applications, among many others.
To provide the highest performance at low cost with a long product life the J2 225 unit
design is based on the new Intel Atom Cedarview processor. This new 32nm part has
higher speed and runs on lower power than the current offering of Atom processors for
The unit was built using as few screws as possible, providing ease of assembly and
disassembly, a major design achievement. This means that the touch screen, J2 225 panel,
or systems board can quickly be replaced in less than two minutes if needed (however
with the solid reliability of this creative unit, this should not even be necessary.)
A major goal in the enclosure design is to keep the total size of the unit as thin and as
small as possible. The thickness to the head is not much thicker that a standard notebook,
except for a slight bulge in the back where the electronics are located. The aluminum die
cast swing arm and fully adjustable base of the unit not only provide superb flexibility but
can also easily fold flat for shipping. The shipping box for the J2 225 is no bigger than
the size of an average notebook shipping box, which is also about 1/3 to 1/4 the size and
weight of other POS products.
As with all J2 products our ultimate goal is always reliability. Reliability is never
compromised because to reduce any cost at the expense of a dependable product would
be a false economy, and we firmly stand by our outstanding engineering and designs. We
always have our customer’s needs in mind as we move forward, offering the best in the
market today.