8.20. Replace chain
Danger from chain fracture
The chain is subjected to impermissible stresses if
the chain is twisted.
Do not twist the chain!
JDN chains are matched in close tolerances to
the sprocket. In order to ensure an optimum func-
tion of the chain and in order to prevent dangers,
only genuine JDN chains may be installed.
If the chain end link of the load chain is positioned
incorrectly, it must be removed. The following
chain link will then be positioned correctly.
The spare parts list contains information about
torques and other representations of the indi-
vidual components.
1. Loosen the chain from the dead end chain
2. Remove components on the idle
a) Loosen the clamp.
b) Remove the components
from the
3. Loosen the chain from the load chain attach-
4. Attach the new chain to the end link of the
load section of the old chain after aligning the
welds and the first chain link by means of an
open chain link. The welds of the old and new
chain must have the same orientation.
5. Switch
to Lifting and run the new
chain through the bottom block and drive
chain sprocket. After it exits, take the old
chain and open chain link from the new chain.
6. Align the chain and fasten the chain end link
by means of the chain end link bolt (po-
sition of the weld must align with that of the
following links). If necessary, the last chain
link must also be separated.
7. Mount the components on the idle chain:
a) Push the buffer disc with edge
encloses the buffer), new buffer
buffer disc without edge onto the chain.
b) Insert the 10th chain link into the chain
pocket of the clamp sleeve
pocket away from the hoist body, facing
outward) and secure with bolted connec-
tion or dowel pin.
c) Fasten the chain end link in the dead end
chain mount.
8. The replacement of the chain for a new chain
is to be entered in the test book.
Figure 21: Replace chain
Doc.-No.: VA049318-20-OM-EN-0319-64-6
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