Technical Data
Voltage supply:
9 V – 36 V DC, automotive 7 V – 16 V DC
Power consumption:
approx. 1.5 W
approx. 120 X 90 X 30 mm
Weight Alu Version:
approx. 250 g
Weight DIN-Rail:
approx. 100 g
Temperature range:
Operation: -20..+70 °C, storage: -40..+85°C
Relative humidity:
10 - 95%, non-condensing
Protection type DIN Rail:
Protection type Alu Version:
Fuijtsu MB90F543, 16MHz
RAM / Flash:
6 kByte / 128 kByte
2x Philips SJA1000
CAN Transceiver (High Speed):
Texas Instruments SN65HVD251
CAN Transceiver (Low Speed):
Philips TJA1054 (only automotive version)
Max. number of CAN-bus nodes:
120 (High Speed),
32 (Low Speed)
CAN bus termination resistor:
none (High Speed),
(Low Speed)
CAN baudrates:
20 kBit – 1 MBit (High Speed),
20 kBit - 125 kBit (Low Speed)
Galvanic isolation:
as an option CAN-bus to internal logics 250 V
AC for 1 min
Delay galv. isolation:
typ. 50 ns
CAN pass through delay:
approx. 70 us with Standard Frame Format
approx. 150 us with Extended Frame Format
CAN Message Buffer
100 messages per CAN segment
RS232 parameters
38400 Bit/s, 8 databits, no parity, 1 stopbit
EMC test according to:
DIN EN 55022 / 05.1999
DIN EN 61000-4-2 / 03.1996
DIN EN 61000-4-3 / 06.1999
DIN EN 61000-4-4 / 03.1996
DIN EN 61000-4-5 / 09.1996
DIN EN 61000-4-6 / 04.1997
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANbridge - Manual, V1.4