Functional description
TemplateVersion = 01.01.00 ;!Don’t change this!
RepeaterFunctionality = no or yes
AutoBaudAttemptTimeout = no or value in seconds;(max.600s)
CANBusOffRecovery = no or value in seconds (1…60)
ConfigAlias = up to 31 characters ;(e.g.“CAN-Bridge Auto”)
BaudRate = Auto or CIA-baudrates or BTR0/BTR1
;(e.g. BaudRate=Auto, BaudRate=1000, BaudRate=0x01/0x0C)
FrameFormat = std or ext
UseGatewayTable = yes or no
BaudRate = Auto or CIA-baudrates or BTR0/BTR1
;(e.g. BaudRate=Auto / BaudRate=1000 / BaudRate=0x01/0x0C
FrameFormat = std or ext
UseGatewayTable = yes or no
0x000 = 0x000
;normal id retransmission with the
0x001 = 0x001
;same identifier on both sides
0x100 = 0x200
;modify the id
0x101 = 0x10052ff
;modify the id
0x7fa =
;not forward
0x7fb = no
;not forward
0x004 = 0x004
;normal id retransmission with the
0x006 = 0x006
;same identifier on both sides
0x110 = 0x210
;modify the id
0x111 = 0x110c200
;modify the id
0x7fa =
;not forward
0x7fb = no
;not forward
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANbridge - Manual, V1.4