M U _ O C E A N O 2 5 0 0 S - U n i v e r s a l _ U K
I ss u e 10
3 0 •05 •07 6
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2.2.3 External
All standard mechanical sub-assemblies (tube, end plates, cage, yoke, hook) are made from URANUS 52N
Super Duplex stainless steel.
The acoustic release model OCEANO 2500 S-Universal is fitted with a standard low frequency (8 to 20 kHz)
piezoelectric transducer with hemispherical directivity pattern.
The main acoustic features are as follows:
Reception bandwidth
: 8.5 to 16 kHz
Transmission bandwidth
: 7.5 to 18 kHz
Directivity diagram
: Hemispheric at ± 3 dB
Response at reception (Sh)
: -185 dB ± 5 dB ref. 1V/µPa
Response at transmission (Sv) : 131.5 dB ± 5 dB ref. 1µPa/V at 1 m.
Static Capacity
: 14 ± 1.5 nF
The equipment must not execute a command on any parasitic noise. That is why every command must be
preceded by a "ARM" command.
Each "ARM" command corresponds to a "Customer code" specific to each customer.
Command implementation principle:
Note: a new "ARM" code interpreted in this receiving window will reset the time-out T.
On receipt of its ARM code, the acoustic release transmits a CAF pulse received by the remote control unit on
the surface. The elapsed time (T) between the transmission of the ARM code and the reception of CAF
acoustic reply allows the remote control unit to measure the RANGING (D) between the surface and the
acoustic release: D = c
T / 2 (c = 1500 m/s).
Acoustic release deaf for
a set time (4 s. by
code" reception
Window opened for a fixed time T
(20 s by default), during which
reception of a command will be
Code reception
If the code is known
=> Command execution
Code reception time-out
=> Rejection