Ixia IRIG-B Auxiliary Function Device (AFD2)
Troubleshooting— IRIG-B Unit ‘Not Ready’
Ixia Platform Reference Manual Manual, Release 6.30
Figure 15-8. IxServer Log - Chassis Configured as Slave to AFD2
The chassis is configured as a subordinate to AFD2.
IRIG-B Unit ‘Not
If, after completing installation by following the steps above, there is no IRIG-B
information and the status is ‘Unlocked’ in the Time Sources tab of Chassis
Properties in IxExplorer (
on page 15-3), then one of the following
conditions needs to be corrected.
1PPS signal is not connected: check cabling between AFD2 and the IRIG-B
IRIG-B Mode B000 has been selected, but the IRIG-B receiver is sending
B120 signal (or vice versa): change the selection in the Time Sources tab of
Chassis Properties in IxExplorer (
on page 15-3), and see if the
status is corrected (‘Locked’) after a short interval.