Chapter 5 BIOS Setup
WA133 Series
All, But Diskette
The system will stop for any errors except diskette error
All, But Disk/Key
The system will stop for any errors except diskette and
keyboard errors
5.3.7 Base Memory
The amount of base (conventional) memory installed in the system. The value of the base
memory is typically 640K. This field has no options.
5.3.8 Extended Memory
This is the amount of memory located above 1MB in the processor’s memory address map.
This field has no options.
5.3.9 Total Memory
Displays the total memory available in the system
5.4 Advanced BIOS Features
An asterisk (*) denotes the default setting, whenever appropriate.
5.4.1 Virus Warning
When this function is enabled, the BIOS monitors the boot sector and partition table of the hard
disk drive for any attempt at modification. If an attempt is made, the BIOS will halt the system
and then display an error message. Afterwards, if necessary, you can run an anti-virus program
to locate and remove the problem before any damage is done.
Many disk diagnostic programs will attempt to access the boot sector table, which can cause the
above warning message. If you run such a program, we recommend that you first disable the
Virus Warning function beforehand.