Host Adapter BIOS
This option ena bles or disa bles the on boa rd SCSI BIOS . The defa ult
setting is Ena bled.
The host a da pter BIOS must be ena bled if you wa nt the computer to boot
from a SCSI ha rd disk drive connected to the host a da pter . Severa l
SCSISelect options ca nnot be used unless the SCSI BIOS is ena bled .
Support Removable Disk Under BIOS as Fixed Disks
This option a llows you to control which remova ble - media drives a re
supported by the SCSI BIOS . It is only va lid if the SCSI BIOS is
ena bled . The defa ult setting is Boot Only. The following choices a re
a va ila ble :
Boot Only
- Only the remova ble - media drive designa ted a s the boot
device a re trea ted a s a ha rd disk drive .
All Disks
- All remova ble - media drives supported by the BIOS a re
trea ted a s ha rd disk drives.
No remova ble - media drives a re trea ted a s ha rd disk drives .
In this situa tion , softwa re drives a re needed beca use the
drive a re not controlled by the BIOS.
Support for remova ble - media drives mea ns only tha t the
host a da pter BIOS a llows you to use a remova ble - media drive a s if it
were a ha rd disk drive ;it does not mea n you ca n remove the disk media
during opera tion . If a remova ble - media SCSI device is controlled by the
host a da pter BIOS , do not remove the media while the drive is powered -
on or you ma y lose da ta . If you wa nt to be a ble to remove media while
the power is on , insta ll the remova ble - media device driver a nd set this
option to Disa bled.
Extended BIOS Translation for DOS Drives > 1 GByte
This option a llows you to ena ble or disa ble extended tra nsla tion for SCSI
ha rd disks with a ca pa city grea ter tha n 1 GByte. It is only va lid if the host
a da pter BIOS is ena bled . The defa ult setting is Ena bled.
If this option is ena bled , the following tra nsla tion schemes a re used:
SCSI ha rd disks 1 GByte use a tra nsla tion schema of 64 hea ds , 32 sectors
per tra ck
SCSI ha rd disks 1 GByte use a tra nsla tion schema of 255 hea ds , 63
sectors per tra ck
Summary of Contents for P55XU
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