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[2] Air blow or flush tubing to get rid of foreign matter, prior to connecting with the pump.
[3] Tubing connection should be done such that extra piping load is not applied to the pump. Use pipe supports as nec-
essary to prevent vibration and heat generated along the piping from reaching the pump.
[4] Pipe joints should be assembled carefully, to prevent liquid leakage, air leakage, and air suction.
[5] Standard couplings may be used in the piping. However, they must be designed to be reliable against leakage in
such operations as high-temperature feeding or heat cycle operation.
2.2.1 Points to be observed in suction pipe arrangement
[1] Basically the suction pipe should be large in diameter, short in length, and in a flooded suction condition. In the
case of a suction lift system, determine the height according to the self-priming capacity of the pump.
* The suction height differs with the liquid’s characteristics, temperature, and suction pipe length. For detailed
information, contact Iwaki.
[2] To block the entrance into the bellows of solid particles such as wafer fragments or the like, install a filter or strain-
er on the suction pipe. Select a filter or strainer which has low piping resistance.
Fragments of damaged wafer chips inside the pump may get stuck in the bellows and eventually cause damage. If
solid matter clogs the pump valve, the discharge volume may be affected with the normal checking function disabled.
Attached to tube
from pump head
Attached to tube
from pump head
Tube fitting
Tube fitting
To piping line
To piping line
2.2 Liquid Tubing
The standard tubes for both the discharge and suction ports are PFA tubes. Connect the tubes as described below
[1] Pump port diameters and materials
The standard material of the pump discharge port
and suction port is PFA tubing. The applicable tub-
ing diameters are as follows.
* Tubing diameters
FS-15.....1/2"(O.D. 12.7
I.D. 9.52 mm)
FS-30.....O.D. 19
I.D. 16 mm
FS-60.....O.D. 25
I.D. 22 mm
Use tube fittings with diameters corresponding to
those of the tubes. (See the figure on the left.)
• The diameter of the piping side tubing should be
larger than those of the discharge and suction