4. Mounting check valve
In case the pump is installed as mentioned
below, make sure to install the check valve
to avoid over-feeding.
1) In case the suction side liquid level is higher
than that of discharge side. (Fig. A)
2) In case the suction side pressure is higher
than the discharge side one. (Fig. B)
3) In case the discharge side liquid level is high-
er than the suction side one but the height dif-
ference between the two levels is 5 meters or
less. (Fig. C)
4) In case the pressure loaded to the pump (due
to pipe resistance, discharge head etc.) is less
than 0.13 MPa.
5. Other precautions for tubing
1) Use the specified size of tube. Otherwise
required pump performance and flow rate
may not be obtained.
2) Suction side tube should be as shorter as pos-
sible. (Max. length is 1 meter.)
3) Self-priming ability of this pump is 1 meter or
less when the valves are dry.
Install the pump of which the pump head to be
1 meter or less than the liquid level.
4) In case are handled gaseous liquids such as
sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide
etc., flooded suction is recommended for suc-
tion side. Flooded suction is effective to avoid
gas generation or air pocket in the piping.
Suction side
Discharge side
Fig. A
Fig. B
5 m
Fig. C