5200378 Rev. F
supply) is pre-attached to the cable. The intermediate (cable-through type) nozzles
are supplied loose and must be placed onto the cable by the user.
3. Thread the high voltage cable from the dead-end nozzle, through each nozzle body,
all the way back to the power supply. Once threaded onto the cable, each intermediate
nozzle may easily be positioned anywhere along it.
4. After threading all the nozzles onto the cable, mount each nozzle in its desired
location using the pipe nipple air connection (see placement recommendations
above). Optional mounting brackets are available (refer to Section 8, Replacement
Parts and Accessories).
5. Connect a wire from the ground lug on each nozzle to an earth ground (such as a
cold water pipe or a well-grounded machine frame). The grounding of each nozzle
is necessary for efficient operation.
6. If installing HS Nozzles pre-mounted on an Air Header, Mount the assembly in the
desired position with the standard mounting brackets supplied. If the brackets cannot
be attached to a well-grounded member or machine frame, install a wire from one of
the brackets to an earth ground (such as a cold water pipe or a well-grounded machine
7. Connect clean, dry compressed air at a maximum of 100 psi (customer to provide
necessary mating connectors). It is essential that the air be filtered prior to the HS
Nozzles, as contamination may clog the nozzles and result in electrical short circuit.
Power Supply Mounting
1. Mount power supplies to the machine frame (preferably away from operator contact)
whenever possible. Alternatively, mount to a nearby wall or sturdy post.
2. The unit MUST be grounded for ionization to occur.
3. TURN OFF, or otherwise DEENERGIZE, all power supplies at this time.
Installing High Voltage Cables
1. Route the high voltage cables along the machine frame or wall to the power supply.
2. Cable supports are used to guide the cables back to the power supply. All cables must
be kept a minimum of 1/4” away from machine frame and parts, walls and ceilings. If
this is not possible, encase cables in plastic insulating tubing (available from Simco-
Special Instruction for Shielded High Voltage Cables
1. Follow the steps outlined below to reduce the overall cable length (shielded cables
2. Disassemble shielding from the nozzle assembly by loosening the setscrew at the
nozzle bushing and power supply bushings. Then remove the shielding and power
supply bushings.