Model 763A Gage Pressure Transmitter
Section 1
The LOCA errors include the cumulative effects of
thermal, mechanical, radiation, and seismic aging,
as performed per Document No. 9A-CR3-763-6.
Long Term Drift* .............................. ±1.0% of factory calibrated span per year, cumula-
Time Response .............................. < 180 msec. to reach 50% for 10% to 90% step
Maximum Overpressure ................. 150% of factory calibrated span without damage
Process Connection ....................... 1/2" NPT (female)
Electrical Interface .......................... 2-wire (16 AWG) pigtail (20' long)
Weight ............................................ 11 pounds
IMPORTANT: The 763A transmitter has no integral electronic interference suppression
features. If an instrument is to be installed in an area containing EMI/RFI
sources and this interference cannot be tolerated, take precautions to
protect the transmitter signal. See also EMI/RFI Shielding,
page 15
The Model 763 Gage Pressure Transmitter was subjected to IEEE 323-
functional service in a harsh environment (LOCA/MSLB). Subsequent to the
sembly, using a Bourdon tube/strain gage and connecting wire assembly, has
identical to the Model 763, based on additional analysis.
The service conditions associated with the Model 763A transmitter nuclear
(accelerated aging for
1,830 hours at 257°F) ..................... 100 years at normal conditions of 104°F
60 years at normal conditions of 113°F
40 years at normal conditions of 122°F
26 years at normal conditions of 131°F
11 years at normal conditions of 140°F
Radiation Exposure ........................ 200 x 10
Rads (TID Gamma)
DBE Environment ........................... Two 10-second temperature ramps to 486°F maxi-
mum; 24 hour duration chemical spray exposure;
15 day total exposure to saturated steam at 250°F
Long Term
Severe Environment ....................... 85 days at 200°F and 95% RH
.................... OBE @ 9.0 G (series of 5)
SSE @ 12.5 G
5% critical damping
no resonance in frequencies below 75 Hz