IFH-1710 Red/Infrared LED Beacon
DOC-1710-MNL Rev20.doc
Copyright 2009-2019 ITL, LLC Page 12 of
System Overview
The major components of the IFH-1710 are shown in the block diagram below. A six-
conductor flexible cable comes pre-installed to provide power and access to a Form-C
alarm contact. The internal controller monitors an integrated photodiode to determine the
appropriate operating mode (day or night). In night mode the internal controller uses solid
state electronics to alternate AC power to the IFH-1710 power supply at appropriately
timed intervals to create the selected flash rate. IFH-1710 uses an integrated GPS
receiver to determine the exact time and synchronizes the flash sequence with other IFH-
1710 units or competitor’s units. The AC current to the power supply is monitored and an
alarm generated if the current falls below the normal operating range or if the integrated
flasher circuit fails. The IFH-1710 power supply converts AC power into a controlled DC
current. The controlled DC current flows through all 12 LED modules in series causing
the LEDs to produce light. Each LED module contains three high power LEDs with a
custom optic mounted in front of each LED. The optic focuses the light from the LED into
the required beam pattern.
Figure 6: IFH-1710 Block Diagram