Installing KGT universal bearing blocks
Slide the machined collet mechanism of the fixed bearing version into the
bearing and fix it in place with the lock nut.
Tighten the self-locking lock nut with a socket wrench. Apply sufficient tighten-
ing torque to ensure the bearing is stiff. Next, unscrew the lock nut by a quarter
turn and then retighten until the bearing is free from play.
Tensioning the screw collet mechanism, floating bearing end
It is essential to perform an alignment during installation since angle errors
in the connection between the collet mechanism and screw have an adverse
effect on the running characteristics of ball screw units.
Generally, the open side of the fork on the yoke adapter should face toward
the fixed bearing end while the operating side of the screw connection
with the gimbal adapter should face toward the floating bearing end. This
arrangement ensures that the otherwise asymmetrical ball screw units can be
replaced and series manufactured.
Install the collet mechanism of the floating bearing end first. If the bearing
seat of the collet mechanism exhibits an excessive interference fit, it is advis-
able to modify the collet mechanism so that it can be mated by being gently
tapped with a hammer. This modification is best carried out in a rotating
fixture and using abrasive paper.
During installation, introduce the screw into the collet mechanism vertically (to
compensate for deflection). The collet mechanism must be held in the floating
bearing block for this purpose (see photo).
It is advisable to use a fixture made of item profiles to help with this procedure.
This fixture can be used to secure the bearing block and check that the screw
is being clamped centrically in the collet mechanism.
The yoke adapter has already been fixed axially on the screw by the damping
rings. Turn this unit to move it towards the floating bearing end so that the
clamping screws of the collet mechanism can be operated.
Evenly tighten the clamping screws of the collet mechanism and continuously
turn the collet mechanism and screw to align the screw flush with the hub.
A limit stop above the collet mechanism can be used as a visual point of ref-
erence for angularity. You can directly identify the influence of the tightening
torque on the various clamping screws at this stop.
When using a stop at a height of approx. 1,000 mm, the set run-out after
tensioning should be no more than 0.5 mm. Now remove the floating bearing
end collet mechanism from the floating bearing block. The collet mechanism
remains attached to the screw so that the preassembled unit can be inserted
into Profile 8 80x80 KGT later on.
4. Next, slide on the nut connector and screw it to the gimbal adapter.
5. Slide on the two damping rings, one at either side of the yoke adapter, to fix
the unit in place axially and prevent it from moving independently.