Remote Control
Copyright © Itech Electronic Co., Ltd.
Command terminator
Command strings sent to the instrument must end with a <Newline> (<NL>)
character. IEEE-488 EOI (End or Identify) information can be used as <NL>
character to replace termination command string of <NL> character. It is
acceptable to place one <NL> after a <Enter>. Termination of command string
always resets current SCPI command path to root level.
As for every SCPI message with one query sent to the instrument, the
instrument will use a <NL> or newline sign (EOI) to terminate response of
return. For example, if "DISP:TEXT?" is sent, <NL> will be placed after
the returned data string to terminate response. If an SCPI message
"DISP?;DISP:TEXT?"), <NL> will terminate response returned after
response to the last query. In all cases, the program must read <NL> in
response before another command is sent to the instrument, otherwise
errors will be caused.
1.5 Data Type
SCPI language defines several data types used for program message and
response messages.
Numerical parameter
Commands requiring numerical Parameter support the notations of all common
decimal notations, including optional signs, decimal points, scientific notation,
etc. Special values of numerical Parameter are also acceptable, such as MIN,
MAX and DEF. In addition, suffixes for engineering units can also be sent
together with numerical Parameter (including M, k, m or u). If the command
accepts only some specific values, the instrument will automatically round the
input Parameter to acceptable values. The following commands require
numerical Parameter of frequency value:
[SOURce[1|2]:]FREQuency:CENTer {<Frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum}
Discrete parameter
Discrete Parameter are used for settings with limited number of programming
values (such as IMMediate, EXTernal or BUS). They can use short and long
format like key words of commands. They may be expressed in both upper and
lower case. The query response always returns uppercase Parameter in short
format. The following commands require discrete Parameter in voltage unit:
Boolean parameter
Boolean Parameter refer to true or false binary conditions. In case of false
conditions, the instrument will accept "OFF" or "0". In case of true conditions,