iSYSTEM, October 2016
Display of discovered emulators
First, select ‘TCP/IP’ type of communication. Then select the ‘Use global discovery on UDP port 58371’.
In the pull-down window all emulators found on the network will be shown. The correct emulator can be
identified by its serial number. Select the emulator and press the ‘Test’ button to ensure the communication is
To be able to easier identify your own emulator, you can specify an unique port number in the first step (the
number can be any number between 1024 and 65535, that is not already used on your network for other purposes
– note that on the other hand more emulators can have the same port number), uncheck the ‘Use global
discovery’ option, and enter the port number, if the correct one is not entered already.
Troubleshooting communication
Troubleshooting TCP/IP
If the communication test fails, there could be a problem with the IP Address, the Subnet Mask, the Default
gateway address or the TCP Port.
First, make sure the Subnet Mask is correct. The subnet mask should be the same in the TCP/IP configuration of
your computer and in the Emulator.
To find out the TCP/IP settings of your computer, open the command prompt and type ‘ipconfig’. The computer
will return something like this:
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
Enter the same Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway data into Emulator.
Next, make sure, the IP Address is not already used by any other device. The easiest way to do that is to
disconnect the Emulator from the Ethernet, open a command prompt and type in ‘ping <ip_address>’ where
<ip_address> is the IP Address selected when configuring the Emulator, in the above example you would type in
‘ping’ (without quotes). The result should be ‘Request timed out…’. If the result of the command
is anything else (like ‘Reply from…’), the IP is already taken and you should choose another one. If the result is
correct, type in ‘ping <ip_address> -w 500 –t’, in the above example this would mean ‘ping –w