S p e z i a l e l e k t r o n i k G m b H
iseg Spezialelektronik GmbH
Email: [email protected]
Phone ++ 49 351 / 26 996 - 0
Bautzner Landstr. 23
++ 49 351 / 26 996 - 21
D - 01454 Radeberg / Rossendorf
4. Front panel
4 digit LCD display
Channel switch
Measuring switch
Rotary switch Voltage limit
Rotary switch Current limit
Error indicator
10 - turn potentiometer
HV-ON switch
CONTROL switch
KILL switch
HV-ON indicator
Polarity indicator
5. Handling
The state of readiness of the unit is produced at the VME connector on the flipside.
The Output polarity is selectable with help of a rotary switch on the cover side (see appendix B). The chosen
polarity is displayed by a LED on the front panel [14] and a sign on the LCD display [1].
It is not allowed to change the polarity under power!
An undefined switch setting (not at one of the end positions) will cause no output voltage.
High voltage output is switched on with HV-ON switch [8] at the front panel. The viability is signaled by the
yellow LED [12].
If the CONTROL switch [9] is in upper position (manual control), high voltage is generated
at HV-output [13] on the front panel with a ramp speed from 500 V/s (hardware ramp) to
the set voltage chosen via 10-turn potentiometer [7].
This is also the case, if VME control is switched over to manual control while operating.
If the CONTROL switch [9] is in lower position (DAC), high voltage will be activated only after receiving
corresponding VME commands.