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Revision 01
- Control of the input data rate setting:
autoDetect: Reclocker automatically set to incoming 3G-SDI, HD-SDI or SD-SDI/ASI
sdiSD-ASI: Reclocker set to SD-SDI/ASI (270 Mb/s) rate only.
sdiHD: Reclocker set to HD-SDI (1.485 Gb/s) rate only.
sdi3G: Reclocker set to 3G-SDI (2.97 Gb/s) rate only.
na: Data rate setting not applicable (secondary input of single 1x8 mode only). If
the user sets this parameter to ‘na’ the ‘dataRateSet’ will default to ‘autoDetect’
- Enable or Bypass the reclocker for use as a reclocking or non-reclocking DA:
enabled: Reclocker enabled. DA is set for a reclocking DA for 3G/HD/SD-SDI/ASI
rates only.
bypassed: Reclocker is bypassed. DA is set for a non-reclocking DA. Other rates
other than 3G/HD/SD-SDI/ASI can also pass through regardless of what the
‘dataRateSet’ is set for.
na: Reclocker enable/bypass option is not applicable to the secondary input of a
single 1x8 DA mode. If the user sets this parameter to ‘na’ the ‘reclocker’ will
default to the ‘enabled’ setting.
- A 16 character maximum Alias (name) for the channel can be read and set.
- Enable or Disable Traps to be sent when the input status condition changes
disabled: Input Status Trap not disabled.
enabled: Input Status Trap enabled.
- An indication of the firmware version of the microcontroller in the format ‘x.y’, where
x is the major revision number and y the minor.
- Unit reset control:
normal: when queried reset control returns a ‘normal’ state.
reset: system reset causes ‘sysUpTime’ counter to reset.
NOTE: 11
With the ‘autoChangeOver’ mode disabled, change of state to the secondary input does not
cause an SNMP TRAP to be sent regardless of whether its ‘inputStatusTrapEn’ setting is
enabled or disabled. With the ‘autoChangeOver’ mode enabled, the secondary input is able to
generate TRAP’s if it is so enabled. ‘autoChangeOver’ mode has no affect on the primary
input’s TRAP generation capability.