The number of iron brackets and self-tapping screws used per panel will be based on the number of
horizontal rails on your fence panel. Each rail requires 2 brackets (one on each side). So if you had a
fence panel with 3 horizontal rails, you would need 6 brackets and 6 self-tapping screws (2 per rail x 3 rails
= 6 brackets and screws).
Slide your brackets on the end of the rails and line your fence panel up between the posts. The tab with
the screw hole should go up against the post and is typically installed pointing down. However, you can
utilize the bracket with the tab pointing up if you choose to.
When positioning your panel, be sure to leave your gap under the panel so that if you need to trim grass
you can do so without taking the powder coat finish off the pickets. Standard bottom gap spacing is 1-3
inches off the ground. Use a piece of wood or something that is roughly the height you want the panel
spaced off the ground to place under the panel when positioning and installing them.
Make sure your fence panel is level top to bottom and located at the center of the post. Once you have
the fence panel positioned, grab your self-tapping screws and a power screwdriver or drill.
Position the fence panel and slide your brackets up against the post. Place the self-tapping screw through
the hole of the bracket. Slowly begin running the drill until it gets a bite into the metal then speed up the
drill to drive the screw in. Be careful to not over tighten the screw and strip out the threads in the hole.
If you are having difficulty getting the self-tapping screw to drill into the post, a small center punch tool
can help. Put it in the screw hole and give it a solid tap with a hammer. The indentation it leaves will help
the self-tapping screw to bite into the post metal and begin drilling in. While usually not necessary, you
can also drill a smaller pilot hole in the post and then insert the self-tapping screw to finish it.
Figure 11 – Example of an Installed Iron Fence Bracket with Self-Tapping Screw