User Manual
Click Options
Page 33
Shared Features of the Click Options
There are two features shared by all three click options (Dwell, Blink and External).
These are: Smooth and General Configuration.
Smooth allows you to control the speed at which the cursor moves across the desktop.
To activate this feature, tick
Enable Smooth
(5 = low, 10 = medium and 15 = high).
The recommended values are 5, 10 and 15. These values can vary depending on the
case. There are two ways to enter these values: using the + (more) which increases the
value and – (less) buttons which decreases it; alternatively, you can enter or change the
values directly in this field.
General Configuration,
you will find the Zoom Factor, which allows you to magnify
any area of the screen when you click on the magnifying glass icon. x3 is the default